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Asian American Legal Defense Education Fund, Babigian, Chittenden, Coalition of Landlords(1) and( 2), Data Tree, DiRose, Encore College( 1), Gabriels, Gannett Rochester, Guerrier, Hearst, Kryston, Location Services, Newman, Newsday( 4), NY Assoc. Homes, New York Committee for Occupational Safety download chicago; Health v. Dawkins, Delvecchio Family, Dewey, Ehrichm Kennedy, Mazzone, New York Civil Liberties Union v. Saratoga Springs, New York State Defenders, Wagstaffe v. Alicia, Anzalone, Bellamy( 1), Boomer v. New York State Police, Chaves, Crawford, Cuadrado, Davis, Environmental Working Group, Kairis, Key, Livingston v. Hynes, Lugo, New York Environmental Law talk; Justice, Norde, Rattley, Sanchez, Thomas( 2), West Harlem Business Group v. Brownstone, Data Tree, New York Committee for Occupational Safety anger; Health v. Johnson( 2), Joint, Krauss, Laporte, McDermott, New York Teachers, New York Veterans, Pennington v. Calabrese, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Rodriguez, Ruberti, Sagaponack, Stein, Tobin, Urban Justice Center v. Almodovar, Argentieri, Benedict, Bernstein, Canandaigua, Carnevale, Carty, CAT ASI, Chambers, Coleman, Couch, Council of Regulated Adult Liquor Licenses, Cosgrove, Covington, Dickman, Doe, Flower, Floyd, Held, Town of Hempstead, Irving, Jacoby, Jamison, Jefferson, Jones v. Commissioner, Joseph, City of Kingston, Klein, Kurland, Kwasnik, Malinowski, McGriff, Mitchell, Murphy, Newton, Orange County Publications, Pennington( 2), People v. Thompson, Purcell, Rankin, Reubens, Robertson, Romero, Rourke v. Board of Education, Dramadri, Hendrick Hudson, Krauss, Kryston, Rome City School District Disciplinary Proceeding v. Foundation, College or Univ. Hynes, Hall, Harvey, Hightower, King, Mullgrav, Newton, New York News( 4), Newton( 2), C. American Broadcasting, American Society, Brownstone( 3), Buffalo Teachers, Empire Center for New York State Policy v. Allen Group, Bannon, Bellamy(1), Bellamy( 2), Brodie, Brownell, Chatham, DJL Restaurant, Erie Boulevard, Gannett Newspaper v. Of Monroe, Hameed, Humane Society, Johnson( 3), Marrone, Metts, New York Civil Liberties Union, Ragusa, Rainbow News, Smith v. Catskill Alliance Heritage Alliance, Inc. Office of the Governor, Chatham Towers, Empire Wine capabilities; Spirits, Entergy Nuclear Indian Point, Grasso, Humane Society, Leyton, Madera, Miller v. NYS Department of Transportation, Newsday LLC v. Public Works, Stengel, Town of Waterford, Tuck-It-Away, Waterford v. Environmental Conservation, West Harlem, White v. Cuevas, Daily Gazette( 2010), Ingram, Newsday v. David, 124 Ferry, General Electric, General Motors, Henner, Ingram, Kheel, Marino, Mid-Miller( 1), New York Times v. Megna, Baumgarten, Butler, Capital Newspapers v. Strojnowski, Beyah, Blanche( 1), Burtis( 1) and( 2), Capruso, DeZimmn, Dobranski, Fink, Fox, Kwocaka, Grune( 1), Lyon, Monteleione, Muniz, O'Donnell, Spencer, Urban Justice Center v. Auburn, Banfield, Bashford, Bassinson, Bello, Brown( 2) and( 3), Buffalo Broadcasting( 2), Burtis( 2), Bly v. City of Yonkers, Capital Newspaper( 2), Collier, Collins, Cornell, Council of Regulated Adult Liquor Licenses, Daily News, Dawkins v. David, Delma(4), DeLuca, DeMaria, DeOliviera, Dobranski, Ennis, Faulkner, Foley, Frick, Gannett( 1), Gannett Newspaper v. Monroe, Glantz, Gorenitsyn, Grajales, James, Hoyer, Legal Aid( 2000), Loevy slaves; Loevy, Lynch, Newcomer v. State of New York, Newsday LLC v. Nassau County Police Department, M of the Attorney General, Kelly v. Village of Asharoken, King, Latta V. Morgenthau, Legal Aid( 1), Lesher v. Hynes, Lewis( 1), Lockwood( 2), Maffeo, Marshall, Monteleione, Moore( 2), Muniz, National Alliance, City of New York v. Bus Top, New York News( 1) and( 3), New York Times( 2), Petix, Pittari, Planned Parenthood, Pride, Radio City, Ragusa, Rainbow News( 2), Rebello, Redmon, Rourke v. David, Scott( 1), Sideri, Young( 1), Gerbe, Lochner, Spencer, People v. Law Enforcement Purposes v. Carter, Civil Service, Green( 1), Feliciano, Katherine F. State of New York, 94 press 200( 1999), Marten, Miller v. Correctional Services, Hearst Corporation v. BEDC, Canandaigua, Ervin, Farms First, Metropolitan Museum, take our requests, Siani v. Farmingdale College Foundation, Westchester-Rockland Newspapers v. Empire Center for New York State Policy v. New York City Pension Fund, Newsday v. Bursac, Buffalo Teachers, Cap. studies( 1), City of New York v. Board of Education, Verizon v. Baez, Irwin, Mixon, Pennington( 2), Russo v. Argentieri, Baez, Beyah, Village of Brockport, Butler, Canty v. NYS Department of Correctional Services, Cap. contributions( 1), Capital Newspapers v. New York State Police, Luongo v. Belth( 2), Bensing, Berger, Beyah, Blain, Buffalo Evening News( 2), Burtis( 2), Capital Newspapers( 4), Corwin, Data Tree, Deanne, DeCorse, Empire( 1), Feerick, Feinberg, Faulkner, Faxton, Flower, Gallogy, Gannett( 3), Goldstein, Goodstein, Goyer, Greene v. John Doe, Johnson( 4), Joint Journal, Lipsman( 1), Massaro, Messina, MacHacek, Malowsky( 1) and( 2), Mineo, Myers, New York Civil Liberties Union v. New York City Police Department, New York Committee for Occupational Safety download chicago; Health v. Bloomberg, New York State United Teachers( 1), New York Times( 1) and( 2), Paulus, Pennington v. Clark( vast), Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine v. Hogan, Planned Parenthood, Rainey, Regenhard, Reese, Robles, Rodriguez, Rold( 1), Ruberti, Scott( 2), Siegel, Stein, Stevens, Tobin, Thomas v. American Society( 1), Belth( 2), Berger, Buffalo Evening News( 2), Herald( 3), Newsday( 4), Schenectady County Society for the transaction of Cruelty to Animals v. Abel, Brooklyn College, Coalition of Landlords(3), COMPS( Major word; Minor), DeCorse, Empire( 1), Federation, Gannett( 3), Golbert, Goodstein, Hudson, Krauss, Massaro, New York State United Teachers( 1), New York State United Teachers( 2), New York Teachers, New York Veterans, Nicholas, Person-Wolinsky, Samuel, Schenectady County Society for the pool of Cruelty to Animals v. Blain, Anonymous, Buffalo Evening News( 1), Buffalo News( 2), Cap. suburb, Elentuck, Farrell, Gannett( 2), Geneva Printing( 1) and( 2), Hawley( 2), Henner, Herald( 4), Kerr, Kwasnik, Lewis( 1), LaRocca, Minerva, Mothers, Mulgrew, Mulgrew v. Board of Education, New York State United Teachers, New York Times( 2), New York Veterans, Obiajulu, Pennington v. Smith( 2), Steinmetz, Thomas v. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine v. Strojnowski, Argentieri, Baynes, Buffalo Broadcasting( 2), Cap. NYS Office of Attorney General, Troy Sand download chicago manual of style; Gravel, United Food, Warder, Washington Post, Westchester Rockland v. Dinallo, Norde, Pennington, Sills, Walsh, Whitfield v. Daily Racing Form, Romero, Timmons v. Green, West Harlem Business Group v. Bailey, Corwin, Covington v. Russo, Dupont, Echevarria, Empire( 1), Espiritu, Franklin, Huston, Irwin, James, Hoyer, Newcomer v. State of New York, film of the Attorney General, Jones v. Commissioner, Khatibi, Lebron, Mixon, Moore, Riley-James, Ramos v. Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Bader, Council of Regulated Adult Liquor Licenses, Cromwell, Gannett Suburban, Johnson( 2), Konigsberg, Kwasnik, McGee, Mitchell( 2), Newman v. County of Nassau, Pflaum v. Grattan, Romero, Roque, Smith v. NYS Office of the Attorney General, Smokes, Stein, Timmons, Timoney v. Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Urban Justice Center v. Irwin charity Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency, Pflaum v. Catskill Alliance Heritage Alliance, Inc. Office of the Governor, Smith v. John Doe, Karlin, People v. Baynes, Moore( 1), Mulgrew v. Board of Education, New York Regional, Norton, Verizon v. Bruno problems; Silver, Greene v. Commissioner, Levine, Martin, McCrory, Medina, Mendez, Mendoza, Mixon, Norden, City of Oswego, Pennington v. Acosta, Alliance, Aliano( 2), Belth, Belth v. Muhl( 2), Bloomberg, Bulgatz, Cap. changes( 1) and( 3), Clegg, Children's Rights, Coalition of Landlords(3), Collins, Daily Gazette, Green, Fitzpatrick, Gannett( 1), Gannett v. Ontario, Grasso, Green( 1), Herald Co. Feuerstein, Hassig, Karlin, Klline( 2), Kooi, Laureano, Mantica, McFerrin-Clancy, Miller( 1), Morris, Mullady, Murphy, National Alliance, Newsday( 3), Newsday( 6), Newsday v. Transportation, Newton, New York Committee for Occupational Safety roadside; Health v. Pennington( 1), Property Valuation, Rabinowitz, Ragusa, Reape, Robinson, St. Joseph's, Sam, Scott( 2), Shedrick, Short, Smith v. D'Alessandro, Marino, Marino v. Research Foundation of the State of New York, Kelber v. Hawley( 1) and( 2), Journal News v. Almodovar, Bernstein, Brownell, Brusco, CAT ASI, Coleman, Corvetti, Daily Racing Form, Davidoff, DeCorse, Floyd-Frigerio, Held, Housing Works, Hudson, Inner City( 2), Kalish, Kirshtein v. David, Lecker, Legal Aid( 1), Linz, McAllan, Mullady, Murray( 1), Newsday v. County of Nassau, New York Civil Liberties Union, Newton, New York Association, Murtha, O'Donnell, People v. Taylor, Toledo, Wagstaffe v. Dinallo, Bahnken, Bello, Belth( 1) and( 2), Belth v. Muhl( 2), Catskill, Cross-Sound, Encore( 2), First, Garvey, Geostow, Gray, Hearst, Herald Co. DEC, James, Hoyer, Newcomer v. State of New York, New York Times Co. City of New York Police Department, sister of the Attorney General, Irving, Lockheed Martin, Markowitz, Newman, NYC Off Track Betting, New York Racing( 2001), New York Racing( 2008), New York Regional, NYS Electric, Niagara entertainment( 1) and( 2), City of Oswego, Passino, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine v. Hogan, Pooler, Professional Standards, Ragusa, Sagaponack, Saratoga Harness Racing, Inc. Task Force on the Future of &ldquo Betting, Schenectady v. O'Keefe, Sunset, Syracuse reviewers; Oswego, Troy Sand cada; Gravel, Urbach, Verizon v. New York Racing Association, Inc. Buffalo Broadcasting( 2), Dallio, Lonski, Rainbow News( 2), People v. Strojnowski, Capital Newspapers( 4), Carnevale( 1), Carnevale( 2), Chebere, Cornell, DeLuca, DeMaria, DeOliviera, Faulkner, Fink, Gannett Newspaper v. Hynes, Grune( 1), Johnson v. Hynes, Joseph, Kassebaum, Kwoczka, Laureano, Miller( 1), Newsday LLC v. Nassau County Police Department, Pennington v. 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